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Yeung Kin-man
Date of Birth:
Country of Birth:
Country of Residence:
Hong Kong
Source of Wealth:
Marrital Status:
Married to Lam Wai Ying
Yeung Kin-man Net Worth USD: $3,895,000,000 - $4,305,000,000
2020 Mean Estimate USD:
Yeung Kin-man Biography
Yeung Kin-man is the founder of Biel Crystal Manufactory. Biel supplies touchscreens for smartphones, watches and tablets principally to Apple, but also to Samsung and Sony. The company based in mainland China employs 100,000 workers.
As well as the founder, Yeung Kin-man is the chief executive and owns 51% of the company. His wife, Lam Wai Ying, owns the other 49%.
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