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Boenjamin Setiawan

Date of Birth:


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Source of Wealth:


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Boenjamin Setiawan Net Worth USD: $4,132,500,000 - $4,567,500,000

2020 Mean Estimate USD:


Boenjamin Setiawan Biography

Boenjamin Setiawan, or Dr Boen as he would later affectionately be known, comes from an academic background. He earned a doctorate in pharmacology from the university of Indonesia and then went on to get a PhD at the University of California. While there he spent several years as a lecturer, until returning to his native Indonesia.

On his return he, along with his five brothers and sisters founded Kalbe Farma in a garage. Kalbe is now the largest pharmaceutical company in the country, and as well as its core business, is also involved in healthfood, logistyics and warehousing, hospitals, and through its Kalbis Institute, education. After floating the company in 1991, the six siblings owned 48% of the shares.

Dr Boen also oversees the running of 12 hospitals under Mitra Keluarga. In 2008 he stepped down from his duties at Kalbe in order to concentrate on his Stem Cell and Cancer Institute, and was replaced by his niece.

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