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Ciliandra Fangiono

Date of Birth:


Country of Birth:


Country of Residence:


Source of Wealth:

Palm Oil

Marrital Status:

Married to Serene Lim Mei Ji



Ciliandra Fangiono Net Worth USD: $1,301,500,000 - $1,438,500,000

2020 Mean Estimate USD:


Ciliandra Fangiono Biography

Ciliandra Fangiono’s father Martias is the founder of First Resources Ltd, a palm oil company listed on the Singapore stock exchange, with many plantations through Indonesia. The family own 85% of the business, with Ciliandra the CEO.

He has an impressive business and academic background prior to his time joining the ranks of the family firm. He attended Cambridge University in England, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, becoming a senior scholar and winning the prestigious PriceWaterhouse Book Prize.

After his studies, he worked at Merrill Lynch in Singapore for their investment banking division.

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