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Peter Sondakh

Date of Birth:

23rd July 1953

Country of Birth:

North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Country of Residence:


Source of Wealth:


Marrital Status:




Peter Sondakh Net Worth USD: $1,615,000,000 - $1,785,000,000

2020 Mean Estimate USD:


Peter Sondakh Biograpy

Peter was born in Manado, a year before his father started a business exporting wood, and producing coconut oil. When he was twenty, his father passed away, leaving him the business and the responsibility not only to run it, but also to support his mother and his siblings. As well as continuing with the core business, he took it in a new direction, forming PT. Rajawali Corporation and moving into property.

Not always successful, especially at the start, he invested in several companies that had already made a start in the industry, including hotels (for example the Hyatt and Novotel Sheraton) Media (RTV Television) and mining.

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