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Lau Cho Kun
Date of Birth:
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Country of Residence:
Source of Wealth:
Palm Oil
Marrital Status:
Lau Cho Kun Net Worth USD: $2,090,000,000 - $2,315,000,000
2020 Mean Estimate:

Lau Cho Kun Biography
Lau Cho Kun’s uncle was Lau Gek Poh, the man who founded Gek Poh Holdings. Lau is now the largest shareholder of one of Gek Poh Holdings subsidiaries - Hap Seng Consolidated. The company has a diversified range of interests, including fertilizers, construction materials, real estate, automotive and credit financing, though perhaps its main one is plantations. It is the largest producer of palm oil in the East Malaysia province of Sabah.
The company also operates Mercedes-Benz dealerships throughout Malaysia, something it has done since 1969, and through its Hong Kong based investment arm Lei Shing Hong, also operates them through Asia and Europe.
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