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Amira Geneid

Date of Birth:


Country of Birth:


Country of Residence:


Source of Wealth:

Beauty Products

Marrital Status:




Amira Geneid Net Worth USD: $11,000,000 - $15,000,000

2020 Mean Estimate USD:


Amira Geneid Biography

Amira Geneid is an Australian multi-millionaire, whose family hails from Malaysia and Lebanon. She has built her fortune on the back of her luxury halal cosmetics brand. Amira graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Arts/Science degree, following that up with a Bachelor of Arts/Science from Silicon Valley’s Draper University.

In 2015 she realized that there was a huge gap in the market for a cosmetic/beauty brand aimed at Muslim women. Not only should they be halal, but ideally products would be water permeable so that the cleansing act carried out before daily prayers would not mean the wearers would have to remove it. Zahara was born.
The brand, which translates from the Arabic into “flower in bloom” started with nail polish, but the range quickly expanded as it became a huge hit.

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