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Sathes Rames

Date of Birth:


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Source of Wealth:


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Sathes Rames Net Worth USD: $19,000,000 - $24,000,000

2020 Mean Estimate USD:


Sathes Rames Biography

Sathes Rames is a multi-millionaire from Singapore. His company The Cradle Group of Companies began life in 2011 as a small consultation firm. Since then it has grown solidly, with Cradle Wealth Solutions coming online in 2014, Cradle Construction in 2017 and Cradle Foods in 2018.

Based in Singapore, the business extends across Southeast Asia, and has won plaudits with its focus on creating wealth for good causes. The opportunities the businesses create are designed to help the poorer parts of the region, and Sathes Rames himself has donated part of his wealth to help needy children and orphans in India.

Despite being an introvert from birth, Sathes networked extensively in the region and outside it in order to gain investors.

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